1st quarter
1st Reporting Period (January until March 2022)
Equal Opportunities
- In accordance to Section 42 (5) NHG in conjunction with Section 25 (2) sentences 1 to 3 of the Basic Regulations, part-time decentralized equal opportunities officers can be elected from among their female members at the faculties, central operating units, general university administration and research centres. Depending on their affiliation, they are elected by the faculty council or appointed by the organizational unit mentioned above. The Senate is to be informed of the election or appointment. On January 18, 2022, Ms. Angela Binder and Ms. Nora Krippendorff were re-elected to the Faculty of Energy and Economics at the Faculty Council meeting (term of office: April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2024).
Ms. Heidi Oberthür (term of office: January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023) was appointed for the Data Center, Ms. Silke Frank (term of office: November 1, 2021 to October 31, 2023) for the University Library and Dr. Ulrike Willer (term of office: December 16, 2021 to December 15, 2023) for the Research Center for Energy Storage Technologies.
- According to §§ 15, 16 of the Lower Saxony Equal Rights Act (NGG) of December 9th, 2010, every agency with at least 50 employees must draw up an equal opportunities plan. The equality plan is valid for three years, and a new plan must be drawn up when it expires. The equality plan for the period 2022 - 2024 was drawn up by the Senate Commission for Equal Opportunities with the participation of the Equal Opportunities Office and the decentralized Equal Opportunities Officers. The equality plan was approved by the Senate on February 8th, 2022 in agreement with the Executive Committee. In addition, the plan was discussed by the three faculty councils in the meeting on January 18, 2022.
This equality plan also meets the new EU requirements for a Gender Equality Plan (GEP). From 2022, the existence of a Gender Equality Plan will be a general requirement for funding from Horizon Europe.
- On February 28th, 2022, a celebratory final event and farewell to our five participants took place as part of the Lower Saxony technical center. Mr. Schachtner made the greetings and Ms. Schenk-Mathes handed over the certificates. The new iteration of the program will start in September 2022.
The press release can be found under the link: www.tu-clausthal.de/universitaet/einrichtungen/presse-und-öffentlichkeitsarbeit/pressemitteilungen/artikel/viel-lob-fuer-programm-zur-berufsorientation
Diversity Management
- On February 17th and 18th, 2022, the third online diversity forum took place at the University of Marburg. The forum focuses on the topic of monitoring and data collection in the field of diversity.
On June 13, 2022, the next workshop to achieve the second milestone will take place in person. The certification workshop with peer review is planned for November. By then, the final report and the diversity strategy must be drawn up. The auditing process should come to an end with the handing over of the certificate in March 2023.
- As part of the university forum on digitization, the university rectors' conference is currently responsible for the topic of digital accessibility, which is becoming increasingly important at universities. In this context, the TU Clausthal took part in a survey on the status of the implementation of digital accessibility at German universities. In addition, the university management and other strategic managers for the area of digital accessibility have been invited to an information workshop "Digital accessibility at universities" and will take part on February 10th, 2022. Our university is very well positioned in the area of "digital accessibility". Since the timely implementation of the barrier-free website, we in the accessibility working group have been working on other topics such as barrier-free or low-barrier forms and documents. Our corporate design was also checked for accessibility.
- A uniform regulation on gender-sensitive language has been introduced at our university. The statement on this was drawn up by the Working Group on Accessibility, approved by the Senate Commission for Equal Opportunities on November 12th, 2021 and approved by the Executive Committee on January 12th, 2022 and by the Senate on February 8th, 2022. The main points of
- Avoidance of using generic masculine terms
- Adoption of gender neutral pronouns
- Minimal usage of using both feminime and/or masucline word forms
- Usage of colons to indicate gender forms, when diverse gender identities are mentioned
This statement refers to all spoken and written form of the German language and is aimed to all members of TU Clausthal to be implemented. It does not, however, applied for scientific works and examinations.
Familiy Services
- Also this year the family service of the TU Clausthal has prepared an extensive holiday care offer for school children up to the age of 10 years. A total of three weeks were/are offered:
- und die Kinder-Sommer-Uni in der ersten und letzten Sommerferienwoche (vom 18. bis 22.07.2022 und vom 15. bis 19.08.2022).
- the Children's Easter University during the Easter holidays (4-8 April 2022)
- and the Children's Summer University in the first and last week of the summer holidays (18-22 July 2022 and 15-19 July 2022)
- The holiday care programs of the TU Clausthal take place in cooperation with the municipality of Clausthal-Zellerfeld. The contract between the municipality and the university was signed on March 8th, 2022 by the mayor, Ms. Emmerich-Kopatsch, and the vice-president for equal opportunities and the promotion of young academics, Ms. Prof. Schenk-Mathes. It is about the use of the youth room of the mountain and university town for the holiday care offers of the TU Clausthal. Both parties have spoken out in favor of carrying out these offers together on a permanent basis.
The press release can be found under the link: www.tu-clausthal.de/universitaet/einrichtungen/presse-und-öffentlichkeitsarbeit/pressemitteilungen/artikel/ferienbetreuung-kooperation-verlaengert.