2nd quarter

Reporting Period 1 April 2022 - 30 June 2022

Equal Opportunities

  • "Mentoring" has been established for many years as an important instrument in the career advancement of women, it is also a component of our personnel development concept. Since 2019, Clausthal University of Technology has been running a successful WiMINToring mentoring program for young female scientists.

Now we would like to give our female students the same opportunity in the master's degree programs and will be offering a mentoring program WiMINToring for female master's students for the first time in the 2022 summer semester with a focus on starting their professional lives. The program started on April 1, 2022 with a digital kick-off event and will run with a group of 15 mentees until the end of the 2022 summer semester. In addition to the mentoring talks, our mentoring program offers workshops to strengthen personal skills, networking evenings, career coaching and excursions to career fairs. We have therefore also created a structured program for female students at our university in the area of ​​equal opportunity work and are holistically positioned with our offers.

The press release can be found under the link: https://www.tu-clausthal.de/universitaet/einrichtungen/presse-und-öffentlichkeitsarbeit/pressemitteilungen/artikel/rueckenwind-beim-fuer-den-start-in-die-karriere

  • This year's Girls' and Boys' Future Day took place on Thursday, April 28, 2022. Clausthal University of Technology has been taking part in this nationwide campaign on a regular basis since 2002, and this year various institutes and facilities are participating with their offers on this campaign day. Thank you to everyone who made offers this year.
  • On June 16, 2022, the anniversary celebration “15 Years of the Dialogue Initiative in Lower Saxony” took place in Hanover with the key players in the dialogue initiative: Lower Saxony’s Ministry of Science and Culture (MWK), the Lower Saxony State University Conference (LHK) and the State Conference of Equal Opportunities Officers in Lower Saxony Universities (lakog). Ms. Schaffel-Mancini and Ms. Schenk-Mathes will take part as representatives of the university.
  • As part of our women's network "Women&Science TU Clausthal", an online workshop on the female perspective on power in the management process took place on April 28, 2022 from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The workshop is open to all (young) female scientists at our university. In addition, the monthly network meetings of our junior researchers took place, recently even in attendance. These regular appointments give the opportunity for personal networking as well as a small training for different skills such. B. Strengthening of self-confidence.

Diversity  Management

  • On June 13, 2022, the workshop to achieve the second milestone took place in person as part of the Diversity Audit. One of the central measures in the audit is the development of the university's diversity strategy. The strategy group took on this task and discussed the final draft of the diversity strategy with the entire steering committee of the diversity audit in the last workshop. After the comments of the steering committee have been incorporated, the diversity strategy is presented to the university committees for approval. The certification workshop with peer review is scheduled for November 14, 2022. The auditing process should come to an end with the handing over of the certificate in March 2023 (hopefully successfully).
  • In my role as diversity officer at Clausthal University of Technology, I have been accepted as a new member of the Diversity Network at Universities (www.netzwerk-diversity.de). This is a nationwide collegial network of employees who are entrusted with the implementation of diversity and anti-discrimination tasks at German universities on an operational and strategic level across dimensions.
  • Between 7 and 10% of students at German universities belong to the LGBTIQ+ community. The Gay and Lesbian Initiative in Clausthal (SLIC) has been active at the TU Clausthal for about 5 years. On the initiative of the chairperson of SLIC, the municipality of Clausthal-Zellerfeld is taking part in the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia on May 17, 2022. The rainbow flags were hung on two masts of our university (in front of the main building and in front of the library) for a day. The Studentenwerk also has a flag posted in the canteen. In addition, the main building is illuminated in rainbow colors in the evening. In this way, we work together to promote more respect and tolerance in our society.
  • On May 31, 2022, Clausthal University of Technology took part for the third time in the German Diversity Day, which was initiated by the Diversity Charter. The nationwide campaign for diversity in the world of work took place for the 10th time this year. With our slider image on the university's main website and through our social media presence, we once again flew the flag for diversity on this day of action.

Family Services

  • Our holiday childcare in the first week of the Easter holidays (April 4th – 8th, 2022), so-called Children's Easter University, was a great success with ten children. In addition to the child-friendly offers from the Institute for Energy Process Engineering and Fuel Technology and Institute for Inorganic Chemistry, the program with its diverse activities was thematically geared towards Easter. Overall, the holiday care provided by the TU Clausthal, especially the summer holiday care, is in great demand. This year there are a lot of registrations and a long waiting list. Here again it becomes very clear how important the holiday care offers are.

The press release for this can be found under the link: https://www.tu-clausthal.de/universitaet/einrichtungen/presse-und-öffentlichkeitsarbeit/pressemitteilungen/artikel/buntes-ferienprogramm-mit-spannenden-experimenten

  • In the last two years, the Parent-Children Meeting for our colleagues with families have only been held in digital form due to the corona. On May 19, 2022, the family service organized another face-to-face event on the subject: "As a student or employee of Clausthal University of Technology, what do I have to consider when I am pregnant and giving birth to my child?". The focus was on informing our international families and enabling better integration and networking. In addition to Ms. Methfessel from the family service, other counseling centers have also taken part: Ms. Balthaus from the central student counseling service and Ms. Siemann from the social counseling service of the East Lower Saxony Student Union to provide a well-rounded information package.
  • On May 24, 2022, after a two-year break, the Campus Run took place and the family service again offered childcare for the participants in the campus run and set up a children's play area for all the children present.
  • On June 8, 2022, the First Aid Course on Children for TU members took place. The course was offered face-to-face and carried out by a trainer from the DLRG local group. The first aid course for children (infants and children) dealt with typical emergencies in infancy and children and was carried out by the DLRG. Places were limited to 15 people and were quickly booked out.
  • In the family service, a project to expand the family-friendly infrastructure at the TU Clausthal is currently being carried out. It is financed from the equal opportunity funds of the research group coordinated by Prof. Turek. In this context, office workplaces are being prepared for family-friendly use and mobile equipment is being made available. In addition, as many toilets as possible are equipped with changing tables.