3rd quarter

Reporting Period 1 July - 30. September 2022

Equal Opportunities

  • A joint meeting of mentors and mentees from both phases of the mentoring program and the first annual festival of the women's network "Women&Science der TU Clausthal" took place on the weekend of July 1st to 3rd, 2022 and was a great success. The program was very diverse and offered opportunities for networking as well as a framework for developing topics relevant to promoting the careers of female scientists at Clausthal University of Technology. After a ceremonial opening on Friday afternoon and a presentation of the creation of the women's network at the TU Clausthal, the mentees completed a workshop on the topic of sovereignty the next day and the mentors, accompanied by a professional coach, worked on a networking strategy and on future participation in the women's network.

The press release for this can be found under the link: https://www.tu-clausthal.de/universitaet/einrichtungen/presse-und-oeffentlichkeitsarbeit/pressemitteilungen/artikel/netzwerkpflege-im-fokus

  • The WiMINToring mentoring program for master's students is slowly coming to an end. The celebratory final event took place on October 14, 2022 in attendance.

In July, our mentees took part in group coaching with a focus on career planning and in September in another digital workshop on the topic of "Confident Communication".

A particular highlight of the mentoring program was the network evening on September 23, 2022 on the topic of "Relevance of networks for careers". First, the invited speaker and graduate of the TU Clausthal, Ms. Özlem Terzi (Bosch GmbH), presented her career, which is characterized by internationalization, and was available to the participants for an exchange. Afterwards, our women's network "Women&Science TU Clausthal" presented itself.

  • In Germany, far fewer women than men set up a company. In order to give our students the opportunity to gather some information on this topic, we organized the business start-up workshop. On September 30, 2022, a three-hour workshop "My Way to Self-Employment: Basic Knowledge To Start A Business" for master's students took place. The speakers were Anja Blümel (start-up consultant for the economic region of Goslar) and Simon Wolters (start-up consultant for Clausthal University of Technology).
  • The third run of the mentoring program WiMINToring for Young Female Scientists is currently advertised and the start is planned for January 2023.
  • After the successful first Women's Sports Day in 202, the Goslar district sports association, in cooperation with the equal opportunities offices of the TU Clausthal, the district of Goslar and the municipality of Clausthal-Zellerfeld, organized a women's sports day again this year. The event took place on Friday, September 9th, 2022 at the outdoor sports facility of the TU Clausthal.
  • The state program Niedersachsen Technikum has successfully started in the new 2022/23 period at the TU Clausthal. On September 5, 2022, four new participants were welcomed at our university.

The press release for this can be found under the link:https://www.niedersachsen-technikum.de/hochschulen/aktivitaeten-an-den-hochschulen/start-an-der-tu-clausthal

In the 2022/23 winter semester, the participants will attend selected events at Clausthal University of Technology one day a week. On the other days they are employed in the partner companies Sympatec GmbH, Albemarle Germany GmbH, Piller Group GmbH and KWS SAAT SE & Co. KGaA.

  • Furthermore, various advertising measures (including job fairs and information events in the regional schools) are carried out for the programs of the Equal Opportunities Office for schoolgirls. The coordinator of the Lower Saxony Technical Center was also present at the Ideas Expo in Hanover on July 8, 2022 together with a former participant to promote the Lower Saxony Technical Center at the TU Clausthal. Charlotte Korb, a technician from the last round at the TU Clausthal, reported on the stage about her experiences:


  • The first excursion as part of the Lower Saxony technical center took the technicians from the Technical University of Braunschweig to the Youth Academy on Rammelsberg, where they learned about the past and current use of copper. The youth academy "Learning from miners" was developed jointly by the Rammelsberg World Heritage Site and the Institute for Processing, Recycling and Circular Economy Systems (IFAD) at Clausthal University of Technology. The aim is to impart knowledge about the collection and recycling of old electrical equipment and the extraction or recovery of copper. After a guided tour through the Roeder tunnel, they experimented with the topic of raw material shortages and recycling.

The press release for this can be found under the link:https://www.tu-clausthal.de/universitaet/einrichtungen/presse-und-oeffentlichkeitsarbeit/pressemitteilungen/artikel/niedersachsen-technikum-berufsorientierung-an-der-tu-clausthal

  • The Equal Opportunities Office recently offered interested schoolgirls a tailor-made Schnupperstudium (Taster Day) at the TU Clausthal, which will be supervised by the student assistants of the Equal Opportunities Office. In July, two schoolgirls took advantage of this exclusive offer.


  • One of the central measures in the diversity audit is the development of the Diversity Strategy of Clausthal University of Technology. The strategy group took on this task and discussed the final draft of the diversity strategy with the entire steering committee of the diversity audit in the last workshop on June 13, 2022. After the comments of the steering committee had been incorporated, the coordinated draft of the diversity strategy was submitted to the university committees for approval. On July 8, 2022, the Senate Commission for Equal Opportunities recommended that the Senate acknowledge and approve the diversity strategy (unanimous decision). The diversity strategy became the subject of the Executive Committee meeting on July 12, 2022. The Senate approved the diversity strategy of Clausthal University of Technology on July 19, 2022 (unanimous decision).

The press release for this can be found under the link: https://www.gb.tu-clausthal.de/diversity-management/strategische-dokumente

The certification workshop with peer review is scheduled for November 14, 2022. The final event for the auditing process with the handing over of the certificate is scheduled for March 2023.

  • On July 5, 2022, the DFG announced that the aspect of diversity would be included in the so-called Research-Oriented Equality Standards and these are now called “Research-Oriented Equality and Diversity Standards”. In addition to the topic of equality, diversity should also play a greater role in our own funding activities. As statutory objectives, both of these topics are of exceptional importance for the work of the DFG.

As part of a voluntary commitment, the members of the DFG anchored further diversity dimensions in the research-oriented equality standards that have existed since 2008. In addition to gender and gender identity, they now include i.a. also ethnic origin, religion and belief, disability or chronic/long-term illness as well as social origin and sexual orientation. The combination of several different dimensions in one person (intersectionality) should also be adequately taken into account. In addition, the DFG members acknowledged their responsibility towards members of their institutions and other people with regard to protection against sexual harassment, discrimination and bullying.

The Research-Oriented Gender Equality and Diversity Standards of the DFG can be found under the link: https://www.dfg.de/download/pdf/foerderung/grundlagen_dfg_foerderung/chancengleichheit/fog_aspekt_diversitaet.pdf

  • After this year's participation of Clausthal University of Technology in the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia, the initiative of the chairman of the gay and lesbian initiative in Clausthal (SLIC, recently renamed queer community in the Harz Mountains) became a Round Rainbow Table event. Various stakeholders from the municipality of Clausthal-Zellerfeld, the district of Goslar and the TU Clausthal meet regularly to design and coordinate anti-discrimination measures for members of the LGBTIQ+ community. In my role as diversity officer at TU Clausthal, I am part of this discussion group to take into account the interests of students from the LGBTIQ+ community.
  • Clausthal University of Technology is already well positioned in the field of "Digital Accessibility" and is continuously developing further along this path. Since the barrier-free website was implemented on time in September 2020, the Accessibility Working Group has been working on other topics such as barrier-free or low-barrier forms and documents. To this end, training courses have recently been held for employees of the press office, the study center and the international center in Clausthal. The corporate design of the TU Clausthal was also checked for accessibility (including the TUC logo, font, templates and layout) and a handout regarding accessibility within the corporate design of the TU Clausthal was developed.

The handout for accessibility within the corporate design of the TU Clausthal can be found under the link:https://www.presse.tu-clausthal.de/fileadmin/Presse/documents/Handreichung_CD-barrierefrei.pdf

  • A workshop for our Asian students was organized by the Bildungsbrücke China-Deutschland e.V. in cooperation with the China Competence Center, the Studentenwerk OstNiedersachsen and the Equal Opportunities Office. The workshop dealt with anti-Asian discrimination in the post-corona times and in a relaxed and safe room, our students were able to take the opportunity to exchange experiences and strategies on this topic.

Family Services

  • During the summer holidays, the popular two-week holiday childcare program (the first and last full week of the school holidays), so-called Children's Summer University, took place at the TU Clausthal. A total of 34 children of primary school age took part in this program and attended various events at the institutes and facilities at Clausthal University of Technology and in the region. As always, the care offer was coordinated by the Family Service team and took place in cooperation with the mountain and university town of Clausthal-Zellerfeld.

The press release for this can be found under the link:https://www.tu-clausthal.de/universitaet/einrichtungen/presse-und-oeffentlichkeitsarbeit/pressemitteilungen/artikel/viel-zu-entdecken-bei-der-kinder-sommer-uni

  • As part of the expansion of the family-friendly infrastructure at Clausthal University of Technology, office workplaces are being prepared for family-friendly use and mobile equipment is being made available. The mobile Parent-Child Office includes a playpen, a place to rest for breastfeeding or feeding, a high chair and toys. The basis for the loan will be a guideline for equipping existing offices as parent-child offices at Clausthal University of Technology.

The offer is primarily aimed at employees with children up to the age of one who are planning to return to work after maternity leave or after or during parental leave, or who do not yet have a childcare place for their children.

The mobile parent-child office was equipped with equal opportunity funds from the German Research Foundation (DFG) from research project 2397, in which Prof. Thomas Turek is spokesman.

The press release for this can be found under the link: https://www.tu-clausthal.de/universitaet/einrichtungen/presse-und-oeffentlichkeitsarbeit/pressemitteilungen/artikel/eltern-kind-bueros-tu-clausthal-baut-familienfreundliche-infrastruktur-aus

  • The scholarship award for outstanding scientific or student achievements during the family phase has been announced again. The suggestions were submitted to the family service by August 15, 2022. The applications are currently being processed by the selection committee in accordance with the guidelines and the award ceremony will take place during the next academic ceremony in the Aula Academica. The award is endowed with prize money of 1,000.00 Euros.