Mobile Lectures in the Kindergartens

In 2020, we will start to visit Kindergartens together with Angela Binder of the Institute of Mining. In 2019, the kindergartners of Clausthal came to visit us at TU Clausthal. We will now visit the children in the kindergartens directly in order to reach all children with our child-friendly lectures. Introducing children in STEM-subjects is aimed to invoke interest in this study-areas. The local kindergartens are invited to get in contact with the Family Services Office for further information.

Where: in local kindergartens

Who: Children from 4 years

When: online

What: “How does salt get on a pretzel?” – a trip to the underground world

Price: free of charge

Registration and information:

Tatjana Methfessel, phone: +495323 72-3145 or e-mail:

Clausthaler Vorschulis besuchen das Bergbau-Institut 2019