Alternating Remote Work

At Clausthal University of Technology it is possible to work from home for part of the time. The following options are available at the TU Clausthal:

Mobile working

The service agreement on mobile working has been in force since 1 October 2021. Mobile working means that the employee does not have a permanent workplace at his/her disposal, but performs his/her work independently of location - in the company, at home or at any other location. The aim of the new service agreement on mobile working is to create modern and future-oriented forms of work at Clausthal University of Technology within the framework of personnel and organisational development, to promote the compatibility of family and work, to increase job satisfaction and to increase the motivation of employees.

Everything else and all documents can be found in the Service Agreement on Mobile Working at Clausthal University of Technology.

Alternating Telework

Alternating remote work means that employees are able to divide their individual work time in either remote work or work at the office. Thus, remote workers will be supported by devices and facilities of decentralized information processing or communication technology in which the workplace at home has an online connection to the operational workplace.

The target group includes administrative employees and employees of the faculties and central institutions who can adduce social or organizational reasons.

The Agreement on Alternating Remote Work can be found in the administrative guide of TU Clausthal.