Responsibilities of the Commission for Equal Opportunity

In accordance with §2 subpara. 2 of the Regulation on the Forming of the Senate Commissions, the Commission for Equal Opportunity is responsible for the development of an equal opportunity plan, with due consideration of the following aspects:

  • Facilitation of the reconciliation of family and working life/studying for women and men;
  • Improvement of women’s working situation in all areas of activity;
  • Increase of the proportion of women in all underrepresented areas;
  • Stimulation of research and teaching to take equal opportunities of women and men into account.

The Commission for Equal Opportunity can initiate further measures promoting equal opportunity.

In accordance with §16 subpara. 6 of the Statute of Clausthal University of Technology, the Commission for Equal Opportunity proposes the full-time Equal Opportunity Officer to the Senate.